Yorkshire Children’s Centre’s Thriving Kirklees department is proud to support Children’s Mental Health Week, created by Place2Be – a children’s mental health organisation that works with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.
Children’s Mental Health Week runs from 7th – 13th February. This year’s theme is ‘Growing Together’.
How are Fresh Futures supporting Children’s Mental Health
1. During Children’s Mental Health Week, the Thriving Kirklees Team at Fresh Futures will be sending out our Emotional Health & Wellbeing activity packs to all Kirklees Primary Schools. The packs are predominantly aimed at year 5 & 6 pupils, but they can also be used by professionals supporting families, or families themselves.
You can download a free copy of this activity pack, by clicking HERE.
2. The Thriving Kirklees Partnership have also developed another helpful document for adults supporting children. This includes advice on supporting children that are struggling with lockdown, positive language to use when speaking with children, was to identiful anxiety in children, tips on creating a positive structure and routine, helping a child back into school, and much much more.
You can download a free copy of this children’s wellbeing guide, by clicking HERE.
3. Thriving Kirklees, Northorpe Hall, NHS South West Yorkshire Partnership and Fresh Futures have developed a collection of free emotional health and wellbeing resources.
You can download a free copy of this document, by clicking HERE.
4. To tie in with the theme of ‘Growing Together’, Fresh Futures will be giving away free packs of seeds to visitors to Brian Jackson House, who have children at home, to plant together. Gardening has long been credited for it’s positive impacts on health and wellbeing.
To read more about the 5 ways that gardening can be good for children’s mental wellbeing, click HERE.
To get your free seeds, please visit Brian Jackson House and request your seed packets from reception.
Katie Lockwood, YCC’s 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service Manager, said, ‘The Thriving Kirklees team at Fresh Futures are proud to support Children’s Mental Health Week this year and ever year. The mental health and wellbeing of a all children is fundamental to the work that we do at the charity, and we are dedicated to providing information that is free to access, and easy to understand, to everyone who cares for children, with no barriers to information.’

To contact the Thriving Kirklees team at YCC, please call 01484 519988 or email [email protected]