Modern Slavery Act
Modern Slavery Act 2015 The Modern Slavery Act has the aim of encouraging businesses to do all they can to make sure slavery isn’t part of how they operate, either directly or indirectly. Whilst we do all we can to make sure none of our employees are exploited or mistreated, there could be people who are being exploited in organisations who form part of our supply chain.
Modern Slavery is a crime and by exploiting someone for either personal or commercial gain it deprives them of their human rights. It can take many forms which can include slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking
The Act applies to all organisations which:
- Trade in the UK
- Supply goods and or services
- Have an annual turnover of over £36 million per year
Whilst our turnover is not at the level the act could apply to us, we will ensure that as a minimum we:
- Ensure all employees and workers are legally able to work in the UK
- Regularly review our wages to ensure we are paying minimum wage or more
- Any casual workers are paid fairly and at least the minimum wage
- Remove opportunities for exploitation of any self-employed or “gig – workers” who supply us with services
- Work with any contractors who supply us to help ensure their workers and employees are treated fairly and not exploited
In addition, we are part of the supply chain for other organisations who do need to comply with the legislation. As a result, we need to ensure we comply with their Modern Slavery Policy. If you have any concerns over the policy and how there could be opportunities for exploitation within our supply chain, you must raise these concerns with a senior member of the management team immediately. If you are not comfortable speaking with your manager, you can raise a grievance or use our Whistle blowing process; however, we hope your manager can support you and help you take the relevant action.
For further information on the Modern Slavery Act, please refer to the www.gov.uk website.