You can help us to continue to improve lives and inspire change for disadvantaged and vulnerable children, young people and their families now and in the future. We are grateful for all donations made and thank you for your kindness and generosity that will directly benefit the people that need us the most.



Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim 25p from the Government for every £1 donated, at no extra cost to you.

As a UK taxpayer you will pay tax on your earnings, savings or pensions, at either a basic rate of 20% or a higher rate of 40%. If you make a donation to charity, this donation will come from money that you have already paid tax on. As a charity, we can reclaim this tax back from the Government. This means that if you donate £10, and use Gift Aid, it’s actually worth £12.50. And because this additional money comes to us straight from the Government, not out of your pocket, you would still only be giving us £10 of your own money.


Joining the lottery is a great way to help us raise the vital funds we need to continue to deliver our vital services that support disadvantaged and vulnerable children, young people, and their families now and in the future. (Players must be 16 or over to enter.)

Click HERE to join.

The lottery costs £1 per entry, per week, to play and when you sign up, you will be allocated a six-digit lottery number which will remain yours for as long as you wish to keep playing. To win, you have to match 3, 4, 5 or all 6 digits of the winning number in the correct place in the sequence and winners will be notified automatically, so there is no need to claim.

The prizes are as follows:
– 6 digits in the correct place wins £25,000
– 5 digits in the correct place wins £1,000
– 4 digits in the correct place wins £25
– 3 digits in the correct place wins 5 entries into the next draw

From each £1 entry/player registered, Fresh Futures will receive a minimum of 50p. The rest of the money will go towards prizes (18.4%) and on the running cost and administration of the lottery (31.6%).

Society Lotteries Licence Number – SL00829


All donations received by Fresh Futures go into a central fund to help with the charity’s overall costs. There is also the opportunity for donations to be reserved specifically for certain provisions.

Raise Money For Us

As a registered charity we rely on the kindness and generosity of others to help us raise awareness and funds so that we can continue to deliver our specialist services now and in the future. There are many different and fun ways to get involved with fundraising! Whatever you decide every penny raised will directly benefit the children, young people and their families we support.

You may like to take on a challenge, or have an idea for your own fundraising activities. Whether you are fundraising by yourself, with friends and family, or at your school or workplace we would love to hear from you.