Local MP Visits Fresh Futures’ Post-16 Provision

On Friday 14th February, Iqbal Mohamed, MP for Dewsbury and Batley, visited the newly opened Brian Jackson College Post-16 Provision in Heckmondwike. The visit provided an opportunity for Mr Mohamed to meet with both teachers and students at the College, which opened its doors in October 2024. 

During the visit, he was presented with a hand carved box containing scrolls written by the students about their personal journeys and why the Post-16 is making a difference in their lives and their ambitions for the future.

A group of professionally dressed individuals, smiling at the camera, in a classroom setting.
Iqbal Mohamed and staff from Brian Jackson College

The Post-16 Provision has received overwhelmingly positive feedback since it opened, and the support from the local MP further reinforces the value provided to the students, their families, and the wider community.

Designed to offer a tailored educational experience for students aged 16-18, the provision aims to align with each individual’s unique interests, needs, and future aspirations.

The college offers students the opportunity to gain vocational qualifications alongside crucial life skills and work experience, enabling them to take their next step on their pathway towards adulthood. The highly trained staff, passionate about their fields, bring a wealth of knowledge to the students.

A group of people in a workshop, one man in overall explains something, gesturing to a car part, with two students and another man watching.
The mechanics workshop at Brian Jackson College

Additionally, the provision provides onsite access to essential support services, including counselling, career advice from external specialists, and enrichment sessions that give students a taste of the working world.

Iqbal Mohamed reflected during the visit:

“Firstly, I just want to say a massive thank you to the staff, and to Rhys and Kieran for their invitation, I experienced a brilliant warm welcome, and tour around. Staff are doing doing a fantastic and amazing job that changes lives for all these young adults – it’s incredible, thank you very much!

Being prepared for life can be daunting and complicated, but if you stay grounded and focus on being the best human you can be, you’ll acquire many important skills along the way. There are others facing the same or even more difficult challenges, so never hesitate to seek help and always be ready to offer help to others.

Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way, and when something is offered to you, take it with both hands!”

A blue pool table, two people are playing with one person leant over the table, taking a shot while the other person watches them
Iqbal playing pool with a Brian Jackson College student

Mark Farmer, Chief Executive, continued

“Everyone at Fresh Futures is exceptionally proud of our new Post-16 offering.  We offer holistic support and a safe space to young people who would struggle to thrive in a more traditional education environment. By providing vocational qualifications as well as building life skills and confidence, we are giving the young people who attend our provision the stepping stones they need to move on towards a positive destination that is right for them.”

This inspiring visit highlights the importance of the Brian Jackson College Post-16 Provision in shaping the future of young people in the local area and Fresh Futures is excited to continue on our journey of developing our support for young people in the future.