And that’s not all. Can you believe we also packed ALL of the below into 2022, too!
- We supported Children’s Mental Health Week, created by Place2Be, through our Thriving Kirklees Team, providing free activity packs and wellbeing guides and more!
- We got a BRAND NEW website
- We started a gardening group for our service users with Young Onset Dementia
- We launched our 3-year strategy
- We were FINALISTS for the Covid Hero Award at the Yorkshire Choice Awards
- We ran mental health programmes with the Works Better team at Kirklees Council for our Brian Jackson College pupils.
- We worked with Our Creative Connection to create a photography exhibition created by our Hopeful Families participants
- We trained ALL our Service Managers in an accredited Management Training & development PRogramme
- We hosted Safety Rangers for Year-5 pupils from disadvantaged schools – THREE TIMES!
- We ‘Walked for YCC‘ taking on TWO walking challenges (Up Castle Hill in Huddersfield and the National 3 Peaks), raising awareness and funds for the charity.
- We said good bye and good luck to another cohort of Brian Jackson College pupils
- We launched a 3-year sustainability Action Plan
- We ran our first ever ALL STAFF team day to develop the charity’s ‘One Team; One Charity’ ethos
- We held a huge THANK YOU event for our employees and their families in the summer, plus a festive party at Christmas
- We hosted a fashion show at Brian Jackson House to raise important funds for our services
- We supported Ukrainian refugees through various projects including a Ukrainian job fayre and Christmas party
- We hosted Stay and Play sessions for families through Hopeful Families where children could play whilst their parents and carers received essential support from professional mentors.
- We celebrated Eid and Diwali across our sites with our employees and tenants
- We were awarded the Household Support Grant by TSL Kirklees
- We completed a big refurb project at Brian Jackson College, Heckmondwike with a cohort of volunteers
- We sold Fresh Futures christmas cards, designed by a pupil at Brian Jackson College
- We presented ‘Speak Volumes – the importance of amplifying children’s voices in domestic abuse perpetrator programmes’ as part of the White Ribbon Campaign with EdShift.